6th Annual Shivering Strings Winnipeg
January 17-19, 2025
We are super excited to be able to bring you Shivering Strings Winnipeg again in 2025!
Shivering Strings Winnipeg is back on January 17-19, 2025. This will be the 6th Annual and we will be featuring the tried and true format of previous years - a jam on Friday night, classes on Saturday, our beloved dance on Saturday night, and a camp concert on Sunday.
NEW LOCATION! We're so excited that all our events will be happening at the wonderful Broadway First Baptist Church, 790 Honeyman Ave., Winnipeg.
Shivering Strings Winnipeg Schedule - January 17-19, 2025
Cost: $140 per person
Includes: Friday Jam, Saturday/Sunday Workshop, Square Dance, Delicious Saturday Lunch, Wonderful Sunday Snack, Sound Files and sheet music for all levels!
All events are happening at a new location! Broadway First Baptist Church, 790 Honeyman Ave., Winnipeg.
Friday Night
Registration and Jam Session: 7:00 pm - 9:00pm
Saturday during the day
Class 1 - 10-10:50am
Class 2 - 11-11:50am
Class 3 - 12-12:50pm
Lunch - 12:50-1:50pm (Lunch included with your registration)
All camp rehearsal - 2-3pm
Dance workshop - 3-3:45pm
Saturday evening
DANCE!! 7:00 pm - 10:00 pm (Late night lunch served)
Dance entry fee included with your registration
Sunday - NEW SCHEDULE!!!
Class 1 - 12:30 - 1:15pm
Class 2 - 1:20-2:05pm
Class 3 - 2:10-2:55pm
Snack - 2:55-3:30pm (Snacks included with your registration)
Final Play through of tunes 3:30-4:30pm
You can invite your people to come and listen to the final play through of tunes! (Silver collection at the door)
More events from Shivering Strings Winnipeg:
Shivering Strings Saturday Evening Dance on Sat. Jan. 18th, 7pm, where you can travel around the dance floor during waltzes, fox trots, and two-steps as well join hands and learn how to square dance. Click on this link to buy your ticket to the Shivering Strings Saturday Evening Dance. Note: If you have already purchased your ticket to the weekend camp, your ticket to the dance is included!
Shivering Strings Winnipeg Fiddle House Concert on Thur. Jan. 16th, 7pm. Join us for a house concert in the West Gate neighbourhood for a night of fiddle music, laughter, and entertainment. JJ Guy, Gordon Stobbe, Troy MacGillivray, and Daniel Koulack will come together for an intimate concert of banter, fiddle music, and fun. There will be limited space so get your tickets before they sell out! Click on this link to buy tickets to this house concert.